Five top strategies to help prepare your finances for 2023
Whether you’re a mad-keen budgeter like Jess, or adopt a more “go with the flow” attitude like Dom, the New Year heralds a fresh opportunity for everyone to get their finances in order.
The year 2023 is shaping up as a potentially tough year for household budgets, amid the rising cost of living, interest rate rises, and increasing concerns about a global recession.
But there are things you can do now to safeguard your money, which we explore in this week’s episode of the It All Adds Up podcast.
Money editor Dominic Powell and senior economics writer Jessica Irvine are hosting the new podcast It All Adds Up.Credit:Dominic Lorrimer
From reviewing your insurances (fun!) to getting ready to refinance your home loan when your low fixed-interest rate expires, we share our top strategies to help you get ready for whatever the New Year throws at us financially.
As power bills continue to surge, we answer a listener question on solar panels and Jess shares her final budget tip of the year to help you get home after your work Christmas party safely and cheaply.
Have a listen on all major podcast players, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify, and don’t forget to send in questions of your own to italladdsup@nine.com.au.
- Information given in this podcast is general in nature and is not intended to influence listeners’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.
For more money saving tips and advice, sign up to receive the free weekly ‘Money with Jess’ email here.
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