16 Mln Americans Enroll For Health Insurance Under Obamacare Plans
15.9 million people have so far enrolled for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace health plan, popularly called Obamacare.
About 1.8 million more people have signed up for health insurance, which marks a 13 percent increase from a year earlier, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said Wednesday.
This data is based on the number of people who have signed up since the start of the 2023 Marketplace Open Enrollment Period (OEP) on November 1.
Total plan selections include 3.1 million people who are new to the Marketplaces for 2023, and 12.8 million people who had active 2022 coverage and made a plan selection for 2023 coverage or were automatically re-enrolled.
“The Biden-Harris Administration has made expanding access to health insurance a key priority, and we are thrilled to see so many Americans enrolling in Affordable Care Act plans this year,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “Thanks to President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, four out of five HealthCare.gov enrollees can find coverage for $10 or less. There are only five days left in Open Enrollment: do not miss your chance to enroll in high-quality, affordable health care. Start the new year off right and visit HealthCare.Gov today,” he added.
According to CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, the historic enrollment numbers are due to increased financial assistance from the Inflation Reduction Act and new eligibility for families.
The 2023 Marketplace OEP runs from November 1, 2022 to January 15, 2023 for Marketplaces using the HealthCare.gov platform. People generally need to submit an application and choose a plan by January 15 for their coverage to start on February 1.
Four out of five people returning to HealthCare.gov will be able to find a plan for $10 or less after tax credits, according to the Biden Administration.
Ninety-two percent of HealthCare.gov enrollees will have access to options from three or more insurance companies when they shop for plans. Also, new standardized plan options are available in 2023 through HealthCare.gov, which help consumers compare and select plans.
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