GCSE and A-Level exam results to be decided by teachers – major update for UK schools

Gavin Williamson teases announcement on exam grading

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His announcement comes after last summer there was outrage at the algorithm used to determine who to grade pupils in the absence of exams. Speaking in the Commons today, the Education Secretary said teachers will be asked to determine what grade their students receive, based on a series of internal assessments.

The South Staffordshire MP said he was committed to ensuring 16 and 18-year-olds who had been due to sit exams received results that accurately reflected their ability.

He said the system would be “fair” and grades would reflect students’ ability only on what they had been taught so far in the school year, and pupils would not be marked on areas of the curriculum they had missed due to the disruption caused by a coronavirus.

Mr Williamson told MPs: “All our children and young people have paid a considerable price for the disruption of the past year. It has knocked their learning off track, it has put their friendships to one side and it has put some of the wonder of growing up on hold.

“In short, it has caused enormous damage to what should have been a carefree and exciting part of growing up.

“I am absolutely committed that with this programme of catch-up measures and the extra funds for tutoring, we can start to put this right – together with the measures we have set out for a fair and robust allocation of grades, young people will be able to look forward to the next stage of their lives with confidence.

“Our approach in the face of the worst disruption to education since the Second World War has been to protect the progress of pupils and students.

“Ultimately, this summer’s assessments will ensure fair routes to the next stages of education or the start of their career. That is our overall aim.”

The minister added results will be announced earlier in August than usual, in order to allow time for appeals.

He said no algorithms would be used this year to determine results and any changes to grades awarded would only be made after “human intervention”.

The system for awarding grades has been determined after a four week consultation with schools and parents.

The Education Secretary said he had worked closely with the exams regulator Ofqual to determine the best way to award results.

Mr Williamson added: “Exam boards will be issuing grade descriptions to help teachers make sure their assessments are fair and consistent.

“These will be broadly pegged to performance standards from previous years so teachers and students are clear on what is expected at each grade.

“By doing this, combined with a rigorous quality assurance process, are just two of the ways this system will ensure greater fairness and consistency.

“Quality assurance by the exam boards will provide a meaningful check in the system and make sure we can root out malpractice.”

More to follow…

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