In Tucker Carlson's Faulty Logic World, Arming Ukraine Against Russia Could Hurt Ukrainians

Tucker Carlson took to his Fox News program Tuesday to deliver some more seemingly pro-Putin talking points, railing against ongoing discussions in Congress regarding supplying military aid to Ukraine to further assist in the country’s fight against Russia.

According to Media Matters, while Carlson did acquiesce that civilians are indeed being “crushed by Vladimir Putin” — “It’s true,” he said, in a rare admission of facts — the host presented his Kremlin-friendly discussion by posing a series of pointed questions, asking viewers to consider if sending weapons to Ukraine would be “counterproductive.”

“Will it hurt the people I’m hoping to help?,” he asked. “Will it, for example, prolong the fighting in Ukraine at the expense of a vulnerable civilian population in Ukraine?” However bizarre these statements may be, implying that aiding Ukraine in its fight against tyranny will be worse than if the country receives no help is simply the sort of backwards logic manipulation that’s perfectly on-brand for Carlson.

“If I do this, could I inadvertently be doing to Ukraine what the West inadvertently did to, let’s say Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan? You wouldn’t want that. You would hate to do something like that again. Because that would be cruel,” he said. “So, you would want to make sure that you were not doing that. But not a single person in Washington, at least in public, appears to be asking that question. No one is allowed to ask that question. What are you, a Putin defender?”

Carlson is no stranger to flirting with quasi-Kremlin rhetoric — and his seemingly supportive stance toward Russia has made him a local media darling, garnering kudos from Russian state-controlled media outlets Rossiya-1 and RT. Tucker Carlson Tonight is also being dubbed in Russian and shared by a Siberian man on YouTube, where it has amassed 24 million views.

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