Brazil Protests Call for Bolsonaro’s Ouster Amid Covid-19 Crisis

Brazilian protesters took to the streets to call for President Jair Bolsonaro’s impeachment as his administration faces criticism over a slow coronavirus vaccination roll-out and a surging death toll from the pandemic.

Motorcades clogged main avenues of cities including Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, honking horns and carrying signs calling for the president’s removal. Sunday’s demonstrations were backed byconservative groups, while Saturday protests were organized by left-wing political parties and labor unions.

While smaller than protests seen in recent years, this weekend’s events still point to growing discontent over Bolsonaro’s policies.Two polls published on Friday showed drops in his approval ratings, as news of virus patients suffocating without oxygen in the city of Manaus caused widespread shock. Meanwhile, there are signs the nation’s economic recovery has slowed.

Read more: Oxygen Shortage Plunges the Amazon’s Capital Into a Covid Nightmare

Brazil hasrecorded over 8.8 million cases and 216,000 virus-related deaths. The nation’s rolling seven-day average for infections is hovering near a record, according todata from local health secretaries.

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