Donald Tusk ‘smacks of hypocrisy’ as he echoes Brexit slogan in campaign video

Brexit is the ‘end of the British empire’ says Donald Tusk

Brexiteers said Donald Tusk “smacks of hypocrisy” after he echoed the “Take Back Control” slogan for his Polish election campaign.

The former European Council President used a strikingly similar phrase to the Vote Leave motto in a video attacking the incumbent Law and Justice party on its record on migration.

Mr Tusk, who leads the centrist Civic Platform party, said: “Poles must regain control over their country and its borders!”

But Brexiteers accused the diehard Europhile of hypocrisy after he was a key Brexit critic.

Mark Francois, chairman of the powerful European Research Group of backbench Tory Brexiteers, told The Telegraph: “’Regain Control’ sounds pretty much like ‘Take Back Control’ to me. This smacks of hypocrisy, or at least plagiarism.

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“That said, perhaps Oscar Wilde was right and imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery after all?”

Former Brexit minister David Jones added: “There is nothing more gratifying than a sinner who repents. I look forward to hearing his proposal for ‘Polexit’.”

Mr Tusk promoted fury in 2019 when he warned of a “special place in hell” for those who backed Brexit without a plan.

The then EU chief sparked another outcry that year when he branded Brexit as “the real end” of the British Empire.

And in 2018 he mocked then prime minister Theresa May with an Instagram post of him offering her cake.

He added the words “sorry, no cherries” in reference to supposed “cherry-picking” by Britain in agonising Brexit talks

Mr Tusk’s echoing of the Brexit slogan comes after Michel Barnier demanded the return of France’s “sovereignty” from European courts during a failed bid for the French presidency in 2021.

The EU’s former chief Brexit negotiator prompted similar accusations of hypocrisy from Brexiteers at the time.

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