Pelosi Objects to Taylor Greene Being on Education Committee

Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on House Republicans to remove freshman Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from the Education and Labor Committee, citing her past comments dismissive of school-shooting victims.

“What could they be thinking?” Pelosi said of the Republican leaders on Thursday. “It’s absolutely appalling.”

Pelosi criticized Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy and other top GOP members for rewarding Greene with a role in overseeing education policy. Greene in the past has said that the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut was a hoax created to enable the government to infringe on gun-ownership rights.

Pelosi’s complaint was echoed by the Democratic leader of the Education panel.

“Republicans have appointed someone to this committee who claimed that the killing of 20 children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax,” Education Committee Chairman Bobby Scott of Virginia said in a statement on Thursday. “McCarthy must explain how someone with this background represents the Republican party on education issues.”

The Georgia Republican has alsodisparaged students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where 17 people were killed by a gunman in 2018. Her past comments on social media suggest support forexecuting Democrats, including Pelosi, CNN reported.

Greene, in a statement from her office, said her previous comments were being distorted by the media.

“Democrats and their spokesmen in the Fake News Media will stop at nothing to defeat conservative Republicans,” she said. “They are coming after me because like President Trump, I will always defend conservative values. They want to take me out because I represent the people. And they absolutely hate it.“

Pelosi didn’t answer a question about whether Greene should be expelled from Congress, something that would take a two-thirds vote of the House. Representative Jimmy Gomez, a California Democrat, introduced aresolution this week to expel her.

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